Director of studies

VITA REVELLI : Lic. Ac., BSc (Acupuncture)-UK, Post-Grad. Acupuncture & TCM Gynaecology-CN,  BA (Hons) Chinese Language & Anthropology-UK, Hunyuan Medicine Graduate. Founder and of AOM.

Vita Revelli


I am an Italian free spirit, a traveler, and someone in love with life. I am devoted to the path of learning and I am deeply convinced that learning is work-in-progress and it never ends. I teach Chinese Medicine, a medicine mainly concerned with understanding the laws governing life and how they foster health.

I teach Chinese Medicine, a medicine mainly concerned with the natural laws governing life and how they foster health.

I studied Acupuncture with J.R Worsley at the ‘Dao College of Acupuncture’ (Leamington SPA- Warwickshire). J.R. was a magnificent teacher, a great healer, and a passionate believer in the need to build a rapport with the patient in the clinic.

After college, I went to China, studied at the “Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine for two years, and did an internship in the gynaecology department of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital for one year. Later, I was chosen to train under an old master, the Taoist doctor Pang Yiwu, who taught me the physiology of resonance.

In China, I also studied 'Guo Lin Qigong', designed for the therapy of cancer patients, 'Ba Duan Jin' and 'Yuan Ji Gong Fa'.

In 1994, I became acquainted with Liu Lihong’s work, in which he questions modern TCM as a by-product of modernity, paying lip service to western medicine. This changed not only my understanding of Chinese Medicine but also how I teach it and practice it.

For over 30 years, China has been a second home to me: a place where I could always go to immerse myself in dusty old books in the library of “Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine”.  I love to spend hours and hours with ancient authors who talk about life, how this works and how the whole universe resonates at unison with a deep, unknown, and unknowable void.

Additional studies

In addition, I hold a BSc(Acu) from Kingston University (CICM) and a BA(Hons) degree in ‘Chinese Language and Anthropology’ from SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, (University of London), one of the most prestigious universities in the field in the world.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching Chinese Medicine (theory as well as acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition) since 1988, both as a guest teacher at various European Schools of Chinese Medicine i.e. Chinese Herbal Medicine at the ‘London College of Chinese Herbal Medicine’ with G. Maciocia, M. McIntyre and Mazin Al-Khafaji, Acupuncture theory and practice at Pavia Medical University’s ‘Specialisation course in Acupuncture for doctors’, at the School of Chinese Medicine ‘Sowen’ Milano, at the 'Course of specialisation in Acupuncture for medical doctors' of Medical University of Pavia (IT), at Oslo N.O.S.T.R.A school  (Norway), N.O.S.T.R.A., to mention just a few.


I have published articles in prestigious professional magazines and translated parts of books from Chinese to English. I write a lot and publish little, as I believe that a book is work-in-progress, whose content changes as I change and deepen my understanding.

I have translated the 4th scroll of Zheng Qinan’s (founder of the Fire Spirit School) book “Yi Li Zhen Quan” and co-translated with Yaron Seidman, founder of the Hunyuan Institute,  the chapter “The arduous way of learning simple things下學梯航” written by Liu Yuan, founder of the ‘Huai Xuan school'.

Clinical experience

For over 40 years I have worked in my clinic where I practiced acupuncture, Chinese Medicine Pharmacology (called Chinese Herbal Medicine in the West), Chinese Medicated nutrition, and Tuina. 

Main interests in Chinese Medicine

I am interested in the discourse of the ‘Ming Men School’ and have researched extensively the work of Zhao Xiang He, Sun Yi Hui, and LI Shi Zhen. I believe that their teachings about the mystery of conception, birth, and life, are fundamental in appreciating Chinese Medicine’s contribution to health and life.

Founder of AOM

I founded AOM – Academy of Oriental Medicine in 1996 and never looked back. I am proud to see that many excellent, generous, and well-educated Chinese Medicine practitioners (mainly acupuncturists) trained in AOM are now distinguishing themselves as practitioners and, some, as caring and knowledgeable teachers.


I owe all I know and have become as a person to the Chinese ancestors (doctors and sages) who have challenged me for several decades through their inspired writings. I am also deeply grateful to all the wise people who have inspired me through direct teaching or through their books. Last, but not least, I am very thankful to my colleagues and students who have made me grow not only as a teacher but also as a person.  Thank you!

AOM's  co-teachers

I am thrilled to share the teaching in AOM with a team of magnificent, deeply humane, spiritual, and superbly skilled group of people who will be at my side as co-teachers. 

You can view their profiles and biographies on our website